Saturday, June 24, 2006

Whistle a happy tune...

The line from the King and I comes to mind the other day when I was driving a financial forum, in the heart of the city.

Already late, I was weaving in and out of traffic to make it to the my destination, where proceedings were scheduled to start at 8am.

I glanced at my watch, only to find that, I had better be ready to prepare the excuse of better late than never for my hosts.

While waiting for traffic to clear.... I caught a glimpse of a man, not much older than 40years, an age I deduced from the white headphones he was using, walking along the sidewalks. Dressed in light shirt and tie, it was obvious with the knapsack on his back, this gentleman was making his way to work. Obviously walking, his choice, was a better mode of transportation. I make a calculated guess that he is part of the Ipod clan that is working pervasively to recruit new members. I digress.

What was more striking in my mind, etched until today, is this man was obviously enjoying his music. Arms waving, singing loudly (I could only guess).. and walking with a rhythmic beat that drivers could only be envious of. I smile, obviously jealous he had an Ipod and he was not going to be late for work, but more to how this man enjoys his music, being perfectly comfortable in singing in public ... and having no care to what the public might perceive of him.

I say I envy not cause of the gadgets he has or the fact that he will not run into traffic problems. I envy because he is happy. He lets go at no qualms to how he reacts, behaves just because he has a good time.

I am happy to have found someone like him. I am happy that people do let themselves go. It is time I do too.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Never.. say never..

I'd never thought. Life does offer lessons of a different kind.

Comfort zone. Too familiar, too close to home. It's amazing how spending a little time out of your luxuries make you appreciate the littleness that you have even so much more.

I'd never thought I'd say it, but living in a diverse archipelago allowed exposures previously unheard of.

Exposures of whinges of a different kind, complaints different in nature... exposures of life that can be prickly.

I realise how little my countrymen appreciate of the conveniences, the clear pathways and clean walkways.

The cities in the archipelago offer colours of a different kind, streets streaked with people without homes, children without clean clothes and desperation beyond description.

It has taught me bigger pictures, it has taught me a bigger understanding. It has offered lessons of patience, tolerance and ironically at the other end of the spectrum.. chances to be vocal.

I cringe at the times I slip back into my comfort zone. I hope I will not each time I remember the faces of the people living with nice cars, clothes, only with cardboard boxes.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Arousals of a different kind.

The story is no different. The story is not new. As a close friend once put it, ride it .. and see where it takes you.

Routine is not fancied, eccentricity is sought. But, having taken the road less .. travelled, as Frost says, will have its risks.. disappointments and failing expectations.

I encounter this time, time again. I should not be surprised at its outcomes.. The hurt, disappointment and sadness are not new experiences to me. I love not knowing the entire truth, not knowing the entire story.. I love discovering.

But discovering brings upon details you would rather not know, details you'd expect to stick close to norm.

It's time to understand then when the choice is not from the normal mould.. its consequences are of a different kind.

Accept that your conscious decisions of exploring life through different moulds of people, will lead to disappointments, failing expectations and sometimes salty tears.

Life is a journey, people say. I'd say people are journeys themselves.. I'd take this current trip as another, experience, an experience that began so so rosy, warm and full of love. A journey that is now leaving a slight bitter aftertaste.. and may end in a bittersweet way.

You're right, you can't tell what can happen in the future. But you can at least grasp what's happening right this minute.

The wheel that goes around and round..

Sensation seeking, risk takers, total blindness, call it what you want, it is an experience that some crave for, some avoid like plague.

I find that the forces that be have big lessons to teach me, and so it was taught when I met a person unexpected revealing the truths to me. Truths I'd never be able to believe if I read it in tomorrow's newspaper. She opened herself to me in unbelievable ways, ways that I'd never planned, seen and expected.

She brings back a part of history that I thought was long gone, long buried, a secret that would have never surfaced if the chanced meeting was never made.

More pertinently, she brings a secret I am guilty for, I have shelved and left aside. She brings a lesson that is hard to learn. Never hurt others. Never hurt your loved ones, never hurt total strangers. Because life's lessons have a unique way of presenting themselves to you.

She brings a lesson I should have learn before I learnt to walk. Honesty...

The culture that is beyond..

Enough. That was the first thought that crossed my mind when I arrived to the shores of my homeland. The experience of a different life, culture and environment opened my eyes and mind to all things new.

We've stayed quiet for far too long, far too still. An old cliche it may be, but it is a great gift that is bestowed to us by the powers that be. The ability to think. The ability to realise our beliefs, values and principles. Stand up, Malaysians, it's not time to keep quiet and side on the sidelines. Let's speak up, let's fight for justice, let's set things somewhat straight, if a little crooked.

Let's do it together.