Friday, February 23, 2007

Dim Sum

I'm a firm believer in reasons behind encounters, moments and friendships.

Coercion, forces beyond will, lessons learnt with hope of no repetitions.

In the little years of my existence, I realise repercussions of speaking up, keeping silents, loving willingly, holding quiet grudges, bottling out, venting loud....

But despite the colours that paint out lives, the tears that drown our moments, I learnt of unconditional love that touches our hearts.

I thank the blessings for having these paths crossed, for making beautiful moments shared.

Moments of hours or moments of seconds, I believe, at least through my eyes, we do not stop to reflect enough and appreciate these moments.

I reflect, and hope to keep these thoughts fresh no matter decades or seconds old, that it matters, to stop and embrace and appreciate.

I found these moments in "dim sum".

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