Sunday, July 09, 2006

Kacang puteh grins and warmth

It's been a while since I've been on a road trip alone. Deciding to take one the last weekend out of spontaneity is certainly welcomed.

Not too far this time is the destination, Ipoh, the main town of Perak, a state located in the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia, some two hours drive from Kuala Lumpur. Taking a slow drive towards this town, sights of limestone caves is beautiful. Boasting of the lack of photographic talent, I applied my little skills to snapping some photographs. Needless to say it was not as pretty as you see it in real life, I enjoyed the memories just the same.

What struck me the most is the warmth of people in Ipoh, actually, it would not be fair to single out this northern town as having friendly folk as most Malaysians generally offer a smile or two your way. I met this Kacang Puteh man, only to be known as Kacang Puteh man (because I did the unjournalistic practice of NOT asking his name), selling his wares outside the post office near Canning Garden. He not only generously filled my RM5 or US$1.38 bag with nuts and delicious murukus, he allowed free tasting of his other products. There I was happily satisfying my weakness for such tasty Indian murukkus or chakklis.

Although people always tell you that it is a rarity to find warmth and generosity these days, I found it in this kacang puteh man, under a mango tree in Ipoh.

1 comment:

Beeched said...

Gimme some muruku pls. I'm salivating! Hey I've added ya on my page too. :)