Monday, June 23, 2008

Gone fishing

That is a shot of a fishing pond in Ulu Yam.
Very serene, picturesque and peaceful.
No fish caught though.
Even beer didn't make the bait more enticing.
But never mind, more for us then.

It was a nice weekend out of the city.
A chance to get away from distractions for a while.
Although there were many who asked if I could sit still, an important point during the course of this activity.
I did.
For about half an hour before I started pacing and walking around the pond, making friends with other "fishermen" at this particular pond.
Even the owner who stopped by to ask if we had any luck mentioned that sitting still and waiting is crucial.

A more important lesson then.
All good things come for people who waited.
After six beers, four cigars and countless cigarettes......
Well, at least the beautiful drive home made up for the lack of catch..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...The moment my wrist flicked, an invisible energy zapped from the tip of the rod to the end of the line. The string comes alive in helixical spirals and in slow-mo, sliced through the cool spine-chilling pine-laced air. The strand tapered into smaller concentric circles, gently laying the end of the string to rest on the surface of calm Tasmanian river (from Robert K)