Monday, April 16, 2007

No sleep..

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night, feeling as it your heartbeats are unusually fast.. you pant... panicking as if the room will close up on you... your claustrophobic fears slowly engulf you....


Well.. it didn't happen to me so dramatically.. but I can relate to that.
I did wake up one night, feeling that way. I thought I was going mad. Or that that third cup of coffee was working overtime.. I then talked about it at work one day and someone used the words anxiety attack, that perhaps it was an anxiety attack.


I hardly take these things seriously, for fear of being labelled as a drama queen, as paranoid and overreacting. But.

These nights didn't exactly stop... In fact when insomnia crept in.. I wondered.. could these caffeine striken corridor chats bear some semblance to truth.

As my clock ticks towards the ams, and the nights grow quieter while I lay awake.. Hoping I can turn my thoughts off, hoping that I can get some rest before the day begins again..


Anxiety is a big word.

Breathe Susie breathe.......

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